So, you're looking for lists of diverse books for kids?
Yay! I’m so excited. As Dr. Sims Bishop wrote, everyone deserves books that mirror their own experiences and books that act as windows into others’ worlds. I really believe that diversifying your classroom library is one of the best things you can do to show every student that they matter and to help build a welcoming and warm classroom community.
Before you start, here are a few things to think about:
- Prioritize authentic, #OwnVoices texts whenever possible. This means buying books written by someone who belongs to the group they’re writing about.
- Keep track of your library so you know who is and isn’t represented. I’ve found that my collection is often way less diverse than I think it is. Consider checking out this blog post about how to build a simple diversity audit into your classroom library catalogue.
It is so important to have diverse books for children in our classroom libraries. Unfortunately, the publishing industry is still overwhelmingly white, and that is reflected in the books that are being published.
Scroll down to see the lists of diverse books for kids that I currently have available! Click the buttons or photos to see the lists. I hope to create more soon!
**Note** I know that the terms “diverse books” can be a tough one. I actually would prefer the word “representative”. However, I also know that what people are searching up tends to be “diverse books for kids” more often than it is “representative books for kids”, so I’m sticking with that for now so people can find representative kids books more easily!
For more book recommendations, check out my Instagram @InquiringIntermediates. I love sharing new books!