
6 Drama Games that will Have Your Students Roaring with Laughter!

Drama Games that will have your students roaring with laughter!

When I first started teaching, I didn’t quite know how to approach the drama section of our art curriculum. We would do a few skits, occasionally play a version of Bus Stop where one kid had to make another laugh, and call it a day. I wanted to breathe some life into our drama activities and make things fun again. Improv games were a perfect fit!

15 Online Learning Assignments with Limited Screen Time… and some freebies, for good measure!

15 Online Learning Assignments with limited screen-time

If you’re anything like me, your eyes start to glaze over when you’ve been looking at a screen for too long. This online learning business is not what I signed up for! It’s not what my students and their families signed up for either. The longer I spent teaching online, the more I realized just how much screen time my students were getting between school assignments and leisure activities. I started to challenge myself to find ways to get kids learning in the online environment with as little screen time as possible.