Teaching Poetry in Middle School & Upper Elementary

I love poetry and I want to share how I break down my poetry unit and teach different poetic forms. The upper elementary and middle school years are a great time to dive in and get kids excited about poetry!
My Favourite Read Aloud Novels for Grade 5

I love how whole-class read alouds level the playing field and help build community by letting all the kids share a reading experience. These are some of the books that my fifth-graders have loved best!
15 Online Learning Assignments with Limited Screen Time… and some freebies, for good measure!

If you’re anything like me, your eyes start to glaze over when you’ve been looking at a screen for too long. This online learning business is not what I signed up for! It’s not what my students and their families signed up for either. The longer I spent teaching online, the more I realized just how much screen time my students were getting between school assignments and leisure activities. I started to challenge myself to find ways to get kids learning in the online environment with as little screen time as possible.