11 Things New Teachers Actually Need for Their Classrooms

There are so many things you could spend your money on when setting up your first classroom. I know that I bought things when I first started teaching that I never ended up using… and there were things I wish I’d bought earlier to save myself so much time! Here are eleven things I feel were actually worth my money.
5 Ways to Teach Basic Multiplication: A Multiplication How-to Guide

Before students start memorizing their multiplication facts, they need to understand how multiplication works. Math based on pure memorization will only get you so far! Here are five different ways you can introduce single-digit multiplication to your students. Even young students can engage with these math strategies and there is so much potential for making math visual, integrating music and the outdoors, and engaging in hands-on learning!
Save Time Marking with These 12 Self-Checking Activities and Time-Saving Teacher Tips

In my first two years of teaching, I made the mistake of marking everything myself… and I mean everything! Don’t make the same mistakes!