6 Inference Activities for Elementary

Making inferences is such an important reading strategy, and it’s one that I find many of my students struggle with at the beginning of the year. In the upper elementary grades, we spend less time worrying about decoding and start to shift our focus to that deeper comprehension. That requires the ability to make inferences, and inferencing is a skill that needs to be taught!
Breathing Life Into Your Upper-Elementary Read Alouds

Read aloud time is my favourite time of day in my classroom, and my students love it too. In fact, on the very rare occasion where we have a day without a read aloud, I am almost guaranteed to hear grumbling. This didn’t just happen on its own! Check out this post to see some ways you can breathe life into your read aloud time!
Teach French Without A Worksheet: 8 different strategies

Worksheets can be great for scaffolding reading and writing activities in French class, but there are plenty of paperless ways to engage your students too! I’m sharing nine activities for French language learning and three ideas to expand students’ understanding of French cultures.
Save Time Marking with These 12 Self-Checking Activities and Time-Saving Teacher Tips

In my first two years of teaching, I made the mistake of marking everything myself… and I mean everything! Don’t make the same mistakes!