How to Use Math Menus in Fifth Grade

Looking to use math menus or choice boards for math? Here are must-do and may-do math menu activities I offer in my fifth grade class. I’ll also explain how I structure my block and assess the work my students do when we use menus for math!
How to Do Multiplication Algorithms 4 Ways

Teaching your students how to do multiplication algorithms different ways will help them understand how multi-digit multiplication works. These four multi-digit multiplication algorithms are perfect for upper-elementary!
5 Division Games for 4th Grade

One of my goals is to play and create more math games. I’ve been trying to come up with math games that are fun and that allow students time to practice the specific skills that we’re working on. Here are five fun math division games for 4th grade that you can use as math stations instead of assigning more division worksheets!
No-Prep Canadian Money Games for Kids

Financial literacy is an absolutely fundamental math skill, so it’s so important to give students time to practice working with money all year long. One of my favourite ways to get some quick Canadian money practice in is with slap games. Slap games are probably the Canadian money teaching resources that I use most frequently. They’re a great way to practice concepts when you have a few spare minutes in your day. They’re also so easy to play – all you need is a projector and you’re ready to go! I also love that there is no set-up or clean-up required. I don’t know about you, but I find a counter or two on the floor every time we pull out our laminated math games!
When it comes to Canadian financial literacy, there are three kinds of slap games I play with my students and each one is for a different skill…
Canadian Money Worksheets for Grade 5

I love, love, love when I can situate my math lessons in real-world contexts. Teaching financial literacy is such a great way to make math tangible and engaging. If you feel the same way and are looking for some fun Canadian money worksheets for kids, you’re in the right place! These Canadian money math worksheets will help students learn to count money, make change, and round amounts to the nearest coin or bill!
5 Ways to Teach Basic Multiplication: A Multiplication How-to Guide

Before students start memorizing their multiplication facts, they need to understand how multiplication works. Math based on pure memorization will only get you so far! Here are five different ways you can introduce single-digit multiplication to your students. Even young students can engage with these math strategies and there is so much potential for making math visual, integrating music and the outdoors, and engaging in hands-on learning!
Save Time Marking with These 12 Self-Checking Activities and Time-Saving Teacher Tips

In my first two years of teaching, I made the mistake of marking everything myself… and I mean everything! Don’t make the same mistakes!